Horn CombHorn Comb

  • Material


  • description

    Our buffalo horn combs are 100% organic, natural. Our horn comb was made by hand, each tooth handcarved, requiring great skill to make the teeth straight and give them a smooth finish that will not damage the hair, small spaced teeth and round thick tips which are specially designed for straight and wavy hair, this hair comb does an excellent job of gently working on tangles without causing breakage.

  • use for

    Horn comb is used for hair.Regular use of horn comb can provide relief from flaking and an itchy scalp. It is a good for exfoliator, It always remains clean and hygienic.

  • benefits

    Combing your hair with a horn comb helps balance the hair's electrical charge. The horn has the same molecular nature as hair. It does not cling to its surface (unlike plastic) and facilitates untangling. The horn comb glides through the hair, without weakening it.

  • Strange Story


  • history

    We are making Horn comb since 1950 or we can say 1951.

  • Keywords

    Horn comb,Hair Comb,Comb

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